排序 :热门返利
  • Photobook CA

    最高返利 10.0%

    Photobook specializes in producing high-quality Photobooks and a range of other personalized photo products. Discount codes and prepaid deals are updated weekly along with with exclusive offers catered only for affiliates partners.

  • Book Outlet CA

    返利 4.0%

    Book Outlet 的核心宗旨是充实心灵——一次一本书!我们热衷于让读者负担得起阅读的费用,并且很高兴提供大量新的特价图书,折扣高达原始标价的九折——还提供免费送货!

  • UnderPar

    最高返利 3.0%

    At UnderPar, our mission is simple: Provide golfers with the opportunity to play premium courses at UnderPar prices. Terms and Conditions We do not allow trademark bidding. We do not allow paid search direct linking. We allow certain downloadable software partners to join our program. We allow email marketing. All partners must be Can-SPAM compliant and must contact us prior to running these for suppression lists. Any partner that doesn't reach out first is considered to be in violation of our terms and conditions. Coupon/Offer Code Policy - Affiliates may only promote codes that are provided through the Pepperjam affiliate program. Please note that sales containing a code that is not provided directly by us or is not listed within Pepperjam may be subject to commission reversals and may result in your removal from the program.

  • Kobo Canada

    最高返利 8.0%

    Kobo是专为智能手机,台式机,电子阅读器以及电子阅读设备提供电子阅读服务的全球电子阅读服务商。 Kobos的愿景是在任何设备上交付任何书籍。 Kobo拥有超过200万本电子书,包括经典和畅销书。

  • Ancestry Canada

    最高返利 3.0%

    Ancestry.com 探索您的根源。只需成为订阅者,您就可以访问超过 70 亿条家谱记录,包括人口普查、移民和军事记录以及出生、结婚和死亡证明。

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