排序 :热门返利
  • Easirent

    返利 5.0%

    Easirent是一家低成本、机场休闲汽车租赁公司,拥有各种受欢迎的车辆,包括轿车、SUV、卡车和敞篷车,以及特斯拉 Model 3电动汽车。当您通过Easirent租车时,您得到的不仅仅是一辆车,您可以从该地区最具价值、以服务为导向的公司获得整套服务。

  • Early Rider

    返利 2.5%

    Early Rider 成立于伦敦以西 30 英里的泰晤士河畔亨利集镇的一个花园小屋里。我们的第一辆自行车是一辆木制平衡车,形状像直升机。它刚刚发挥作用——稳定性、乘坐舒适性、侧翻和所有态度。尽管远非第一辆平衡自行车,但我们从头开始设计,以寻求最佳的骑行效果。

  • Etihad Guest

    返利 2.0%

    Etihad Guest 旅客奖励计划与 Points 合作,向其会员出售奖励里程,使其需要更多里程来预订奖励航班或是为未来的旅行做准备。 频繁的奖金及折扣优惠增加了购买里程的动力。

  • enjoy travel

    返利 2.0%


  • Extended Stay America

    返利 1.6%新用户首单4%

    Extended Stay America,Inc 是美国一家提供各类酒店预订的公司,在美国和加拿大拥有629家酒店。

  • Enterprise Rent a Car

    返利 0.8%


  • 点击收藏
  • Emirates US

    返利 0.5%


  • Expedia MY

    最高返利 3.0%

    About BrandExpedia.com.my (“Expedia Site”) offers travelers a wide selection ofaccommodation, flights, package, activities and travel services at attractiverates. With hundreds of thousands of accommodation options worldwide andcomprehensive choices of flights inventory made readily available on Expedia.com.my,travelers can easily plan and book their trip. Expedia.com.my is part ofExpedia Group, a public traded company listed on NASDAQ. The Affiliate ProgrammeExpedia have an in-house partner marketingteam managing the Expedia affiliate programme, working closely with ouraffiliate network and partners on strategic initiatives and tacticalpromotions. The partner marketing team is aligned with Expedia’s Merchandisingteam, Product and regional Trading teams internally, to ensure affiliates areinformed of seasonal sales, ad hoc promotions and product developments. Commission Structure is as follows: · Accommodation · Flight· Package (Flight+Hotel)As a Publisher in the Program, you may earnMarketing Fees specified on the Administrator website only for eligible consumedbookings made on the Expedia Site that meet the qualifying conditions in our PublisherProgram Conditions, including (i) originating from a valid click on thePublisher Site; (ii) is booked within the validity period of a cookie beingpaced on the customer’s computer by you; (iii) for which the click was the lastaction by the customer before completing the booking on the Expedia Site(s);and (iv) is consumed meaning the travel is completed (eg. checkout of the stayhas occurred) and is not cancelled, refunded, charged back, disputed, theresult of fraudulent activity, or for which Expedia does not receive payment. Cookie length: 30 days Contact DetailsPlease contact your affiliate networkrepresentative to discuss opportunities. Linking Methods and CreativeAffiliates are not allowed to bid onExpedia terms highlighted in the programme terms and conditions, nor are theyallowed to directly or indirectly use URL, trade names, trademarks, logos orbranding related to Expedia, Inc. without prior written approval of Expedia oran applicable third party. Direct linking to Expedia is prohibited. Furtherdetails are provided in the programme T&C’s.A range of graphical elements are availablefor affiliates to promote Expedia online. Generic banners are uploaded to thenetwork interface and seasonal creative will be made available to affiliatesprior to sales and ad hoc promotions. Tailored creative to promote Expedia onyour website, app, newsletter or solus email is available on request. Note thataffiliates are not allowed to use creative or written content from the Expediawebsite, unless specifically provided by their Expedia partner manager.API Access for Accommodation, Flight and Packageis available to affiliates on request. A deeplink generator and a range ofother tools, including widgets, are available here Use of Voucher CodesUnless Expedia expressly provide affiliateswith the rights to promote a public or exclusive, affiliate-specific voucher,affiliates are not allowed to promote Expedia voucher codes. If Expediavouchers are used without prior written consent of Expedia, the affiliate willnot earn commissions from these transactions. When a voucher is provided to anaffiliate, the affiliate will agree to display this voucher code only. Whenapplicable, the affiliate will receive a reduced commission rate fortransactions where a voucher code has been applied. ProgrammeTerms and Conditions Loyalty and reward sitesExpedia allow loyalty and rewards sites ontheir affiliate programme. Email Marketing CampaignsExpedia allow email marketing affiliates topromote Expedia in newsletters and standalone/solus email. Note that all emailmarketing campaigns have to be signed off by Expedia or our affiliate networkrepresentative prior to broadcast. Email creative can be supplied upon request. IntellectualProperty Rights Paid SearchExpedia does not allow paid searchaffiliates to participate in its affiliate programme.

  • Expedia UK

    最高返利 6.0%

    Expedia.co.uk 隶属于 Expedia, Inc.,成立于 1996 年,是一家领先的全方位服务在线旅游公司,业务遍布全球。客户可以搜索全球 435,000 多家酒店和 400 家航空公司,并通过各种度假套餐、租车和目的地活动轻松规划行程。Expedia 在 31 个国家/地区设有本地化网站,并提供最优价格保证。

  • Expedia TW

    最高返利 3.0%


  • Expedia US

    最高返利 5.0%


  • Expedia FR

    最高返利 3.0%


  • Expedia FI

    最高返利 3.0%

    Expedia 相信我们生来就适合旅行,作为世界上最周到的旅行公司,我们利用我们的工具和专业知识来实现​​这一目标。

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